A cold wind swells underneath the doorway.
[[Open your eyes.]]You open your eyes. The cold air stings.
[[Sit up.]]The thatch of your bedframe bulges beneath your shifted weight. Your feet touch the scratchy surface of the floor below you.
[[Examine surroundings.]]
(set: $vitality to 90)<img src=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/729951062492053586/729953037321371658/unknown.png>
It's dark. Only barely can you make out the features of the room. There lies a door on the far end and you think you see a crooked floorboard.
[[Stand up.]]
[[Lie back down.]](if: $vitality is 90) [Your knees ache as if you've never used them as you stand up. Several of your joints crack before you're fully on your feet. Your eyes still sting.]\
(if: $vitality is 100) [The short rest you had makes you feel rejuvenated as you propel yourself upward. You stretch a relieving stretch.]
[[Walk to the door.]]
[[Investigate room.]]You lie back down. The ache in your bones subsides as you ease back into the scratchy surface of the bed. After lying still for a moment, you feel the tension in your body give way.
[[Stand up.]]
(set: $vitality to 100)(if: $that and $that2 is 1)[With all that out of the way, you proceed to the door of the room. You can feel the bitter chill of the outside sweep in from the gap underneath the door.]\
(if: $that is not 1 and $that2 is not 1)[Deciding that you've had about enough of this room, you proceed to the door. You can feel the bitter chill of the outside sweep in from the gap of the door.]\
(if: $that is 1 and $that2 is not 1)[With the marble in your pocket, you proceed to the door of the room. You can feel the bitter chill of the outside sweep in from the gap underneath the door.]\
(if: $that2 is 1 and $that is not 1)[With the paintbrush now safely in your pocket, you proceed to the door of the room. You can feel the bitter chill of the outside sweep in from the gap underneath the door.]
[[Step outside.]]The floor, as you previously gathered, is made of wood. It feels rough against your bare feet. In what little visibility you have, you can see the crooked board below you and the bed you just got up from beside you.
[[Examine crooked board.]]
[[Examine bed.]]
[[Give up and walk to door.|Walk to the door.]]You crouch down and look in the direction of the board. It's hard to make out, but you see two nails jutting from the top. With some effort, you imagine, you could probably pry the board up enough to see if there lies anything beneath.
[[Pull the nails from the board.]]
[[Pry the board up from the floor.]]
[[Turn your attention to the bed instead.|Examine bed.]]
[[Give up and walk to the door.|Walk to the door.]](if: $dirtyhands is 1)[You feel the surface of the bed with your now dirty hands. The combination of dirt and thatch does not feel good. Nothing new about the bed is revealed to you through this.]
(if: $dirtyhands is not 1)[You feel the surface of the bed with your hands. Nothing new about the bed is revealed to you through this.]\
[[Look underneath bed.]]
[[Walk to the door.]]Using your index finger and thumb, you manage to pull one of the nails out from the wood. The other is simply too wedged into the board for you to pull out.
(color:green)[+ You gain one bent nail.]
(if: not ($inv contains "\nA bent nail"))[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "
A bent nail"))]
You figure you can still peek under the board if you wanted to.
[[Peek under the board.|Pry the board up from the floor.]]
[[Become less interested and examine the bed instead.|Examine bed.]]
[[Become even less interested and walk to the door.|Walk to the door.]]You get your fingers underneath the board and begin to lift it up. Feeling around beneath the floor, you feel the familiar grit of packed dirt. It's coarse and indistinct to your numbed hand. In places, you identify, the dirt may be loosely packed enough to dig into.
[[Dig into the dirt.]]
[[Decide it isn't "dirt o'clock" and examine bed.|Examine bed.]]
[[Get up and walk to door.|Walk to the door.]]You dig your fingers into the dirt in the places that are soft. Extensive digging yields nothing until your fingers grace a cold glassy object a few inches into the dirt. Pulling it out, you think it may be a marble of some kind.
(color:green)[+ You gained a strange marble.]
(if: $that is not 1)[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "
A strange marble"))]
Now that that's done, you figure you have a couple options.
[[Examine bed.]]
[[Walk to the door.]]
(set: $dirtyhands to 1)\
\(set: $that to 1)You look underneath the bed. The darkness limits your ability to see past the bedframe.
[[Feel the floor underneath the bed.]]
[[Walk to the door.]] The wooden floor is cold like the rest of the room. Feeling around, you find what feels like a paintbrush and a nickel.
(color:green)[+ You gain a paintbrush.]
(color:green)[+ You gain a nickel.]
(set: $that2 to 1)\
(if: not ($inv contains "\nA paintbrush"))[(set: $money to $money + 0.05)]
(if: not ($inv contains "\nA paintbrush"))[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "
A paintbrush"))]\
\(if: $that is not 1)[[Go look at the crooked board.|Examine crooked
(if: $that is not 1)[[Walk to the door.]]\
(if: $that is 1)[[Worth it.|Walk to the door.]]You put your fingers on the outside of the door and pull inward. The door opens with relative ease. The cold is unforgiving as it assaults your senses.
[[Examine surroundings.|River]]<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/729951062492053586/730344187588771900/river_sc001.png>
(if: $here is not 1)[You find yourself at the bifurication of a murky-looking river. On your side of the riverbank, there is a path lined with stepping stones. The trees hang low over the shallow valley to your left, and by the looks of it, the valley may be foggy deeper in. Ahead of you lies a fork of the river. It looks traversable, if you wanted to get drenched waist-down in water. To your right is a nondescript path. A sign is planted into the ground just on the brink of the riverbed.]
\(if: $here is 1)[You find yourself back on the stone path. Everything is the same as you left it.]\
(click: "Everything is the same as you left it.")[(print: "
You find yourself at the bifurication of a murky-looking river. On your side of the riverbank, there is a path lined with stepping stones. The trees hang low over the shallow valley to your left, and by the looks of it, the valley may be foggy deeper in. Ahead of you lies a fork of the river. It looks traversable, if you wanted to get drenched waist-down in water. To your right is a nondescript path. A sign is planted into the ground just on the brink of the riverbed.")]
(if: $lockup is not 1)[[Go left.]]
(if: $lockup is 1)[[Head back to the lockup.|Lockup]]\
(if: $village is not 1)[[Go right.]]
(if: $village is 1)[[Head back to the village.|Village]]\
(if: $river is not 1)[[Head into the river.]]
(if: $river is 1)[[Head back into the river.|Head into the river.]]\
[[Examine sign.]]
\(set: $here to 1)(if: (passage:)'s name is "INVENTORY")[<!--Do nothing-->]
(else-if: (passage:)'s tags contains "noinv")[<!--Do nothing-->]
(if: $money is 0)[(set: $coins to " ")]
(if: ($money > 0) and ($money <= .10))[(set: $coins to "<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216318225573609473/736466413664993290/money1.png>")]
(if: ($money > .10) and ($money <= .25))[(set: $coins to "<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216318225573609473/736466427384561704/money2.png>")]
(if: ($money > .25) and ($money <= .50))[(set: $coins to "<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216318225573609473/736466428923871272/money3.png>")]
(if: ($money > .50) and ($money <= 1))[(set: $coins to "<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216318225573609473/736466430106665021/money4.png>")]
(if: ($money > 1) and ($money <= 2))[(set: $coins to "<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216318225573609473/736466432145096714/money5.png>")]
(if: ($money > 2) and ($money <= 3))[(set: $coins to "<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/216318225573609473/736466435748135023/money6.png>")](color:blue)[INVENTORY]
(if: $inv's length > 0)[Your inventory contains: (print: $inv.join(" ")).]
\(else:)[Your inventory is empty.]
You currently have $(print: $money.toFixed(2)).$coins
(link-goto: "Return", (history:)'s last)
(click: "bent nail")[{
(replace: ?output)[(display: "Bent nail")]}]
(click: "strange marble")[{
(replace: ?output)[(display: "Strange marble")]}]
(click: "paintbrush")[{
(replace: ?output)[(display: "Paintbrush")]}]
(click: "teeth")[{
(replace: ?output)[(display: "Teeth")]}](if: (passage:)'s tags contains "dark")[(set: $dark to 1)](if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "dark"))[(set: $dark to 0)]<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735627699485278220/735946693035557014/bentnail.png>
The bent nail you pried from the crooked board in the room you woke up in. It is slightly rusty.(if: $dark is not 1) [<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735627699485278220/736394881227948183/strangemarble.png>
The strange marble you dug up from underneath the floor in the room you woke up in. You can see a fantastic amalgamation of color underneath it's glassy surface. It's still cold.]\
(else:) [The strange marble you dug up from underneath the floor in the room you woke up in. It's too dark to discern any of it's features. It's still cold.]<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735627699485278220/736270284960563280/paintbrush.png>
The paintbrush you found underneath the bed you woke up in. It has a coarsely sanded wooden handle and loosely fitting bristles.(set: $inv to (a:))
(set: $money to 0)You travel to your left and begin to enter the fog. Slowly, your peripherals are surrounded by a miasma of gloomy haze. It's difficult to see.
(set: $left to 1)\
[[Continue into the fog.]]
\(set: $fog to 1)You continue down the path to your right. You note that the river gets further from the path as you go. With the far edge of the riverbank, the trees recede. You feel you can relax as the path opens up. Further ahead, you think you see a clearing far ahead of the narrow path you walk. There is subtle light emanating from above the clearing.
[[Continue along the path.]]
[[Return.|River]](if: $river is not 1)[You decide to step forward into the river. Oddly enough, the water is warm. You descend into the basin of the river, the water engulfing you up to your lower-stomach. You feel the silt squish in between your toes as you wade through the water.]\
(if: $river is 1) [You head into the river again. The water is still warm.]
(set: $wet to 1)\
(set: $river to 1)
\[[Continue forward.]]
[[Turn back to the stone path.|River]]You get closer to the sign. It has three directions.
The path to your left, leading into the fog, was presumably labeled once. It has since been scratched out and is now unreadable. You think you can see a 'K', if that helps.
The path to your right, however, is labeled "HARVEST".
Finally, the last direction on the sign is broken in half. Reading what you can, you think you catch the latter half of an 'N' on the remaining piece of sign. Curiously, the sign looks like it was meant to point downwards into the river.
(set: $sign to 1)
[[Return.|River]]You continue to trudge forward through the narrow stream. You feel your feet catch on stray roots underneath the water. The roots feel rounded down by the flow of the water, you think. Although it feels soothing against the cold air of the outside, you feel it is abnormal that a river would be so warm.
[[Continue forward.|Continue forward II.]]
[[Return to the stone path.|River]]You continue towards the clearing ahead, making sure to carefully place each foot squarely on a stepping stone. Drawing nearer to the clearing, you now see lines of crops along the contour of the river. There seem to be multiple houses, enough to call it a small village. It's quiet.
[[Examine surroundings.|Village]]
[[Return to bifurication.|River]]<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/729951062492053586/740553097667149854/village_001.png>
You find yourself at what looks like the outskirts of a small farming village. There are small shacks dotted around the area, accented by tall crops encased in short wooden fences. Following the stone path that brought you here, you see that it trails upward to accommodate for a raised part of the ground. You think you can make out the silhouette of a few buildings above. There is an incredible dreariness about this place. As the path leading to this village shares, it is portentuously quiet.
[[Wander further inward.]]
[[Return to the river.|River]]
\(set: $village to 1)As you step forward, the only information you can gather about your surroundings is wittled down to the ground beneath your feet. It's a cold and untrodden path. You think you hear something in the distance.
[[Continue deeper into the fog.]]
[[Return.|River]]The noise grows louder as you approach it's source. The sound isn't immediately threatening, and it certainly isn't enough to distract you from the sensorially depriving fog that surrounds this part of the woods. Listening closer, it sounds like some sort of instrument.
[[Trudge forward.]]
[[Return.|River]](if: $shack is not 1)[Out of the fog emerges a structure. It seems to be a small shack. There are a small set of stairs leading up to the door. The music seems to be coming from inside.]\
(if: $shack is 1)[You find yourself outside the shack.]\
(if: $instrument is 1)[ Curiously, the fog has dissipated.]
(if: $gate is 2)[{
[ You suppose you can postpone it no longer.](set: $gate to 1)}]
(if: $gate is not 1)[[Proceed through the fog.]]
\(if: $fog is not 1)[[Proceed forward.]]
[[Step inside the shack.|Shack]]
[[Return to the river.|River]]
\(set: $shack to 1)
\(set: $instrument to 0)Ignoring the shack for now, you step past it, delving further into the fog. As you make your way away from the shack, the music emanating from inside grows more faint. Instead, a new noise emerges from beyond. It's too far away to discern what it could be.
[[Wander towards the sound.]]
[[Return to the shack.|Trudge forward.]]<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/729951062492053586/732534761167519784/fogroom_001.png>
(if: $instrument is not 1)[You step inside the shack. You find yourself in a room not too dissimilar to the one you awoke in. On the far side of the room is a bed with disarranged sheets on the left and a table on the right. You see the instrument lying on the table.]\
(if: $instrument is 1)[The room is unsettlingly silent. You should leave.]
(if: $bed is not 1)[[Investigate bed.]]
(if: $instrument is not 1)[[Investigate table.]]
[[Leave the shack.|Trudge forward.]]You step towards the bed. As you previously discerned, the sheets are disorderly and unkempt, not to mention extremely dirtied.
[[Search underneath the sheets.]]
[[Search underneath the bed.]]
[[Return.|Shack]]On the table lies the instrument you've been hearing for a while. It seems to be some kind of hurdy-gurdy. Its handle is being rotated on its own. One low, droning tone is throbbing from the strings of the instrument.
[[Touch the handle.]]
[[Leave well enough alone.|Shack]]You run your hands underneath the sheets. Your hands meet nothing but dirt until you hit the cold sensation of a coin. Pulling it out from under the sheets, you see that it is a dime.
(color:green)[+ You gain one dime.]
(if: $dime1 is not 1)[(set: $money to $money + .10)]
(set: $dime1 to 1)\
(set: $bed to 1)\
(if: $bed2 is not 1)[[Search underneath the bed.]]\
(if: $bed2 is 1)[[Leave the bed.|Shack]]
[[Return.|Shack]]You duck your head underneath the bedframe. There doesn't seem to be anything of interest unless you find dust and grime particularly fascinating.
(if: $bed is not 1)[[Search underneath the sheets.]]
(set: $bed2 to 1)\
(if: $bed is 1)[[Stand up.|Shack]]You lay your hand firmly on the handle of the hurdy-gurdy. The rotation immediately stops and the droning note hummed by the strings wanes, taking a few seconds to emanate throughout the room and stop dead in the air. A sudden and indescribable woe washes over you as if you were baptized in sorrow. Once this feeling subsides, you're left with a hollow coldness that doesn't sit well with you.
(set: $instrument to 1)\
(set: $fog to 0)\
[[Return.|Shack]]As you wade through the stream, you realize that the water isn't getting any deeper. Instead, it's decided to stop rising right around your chest. While knowing you've hit the deepest part of the river was comforting for a moment, your mood quickly changes when the once silty river basin now felt more tense. You're not sure for how long it's been this way, but you now walk upon a fleshy, twitching trough. It seems to react to your touch.
[[Decide to swim the rest of the river.]]
[[Return cautiously.|River]]Opting to avoid touching the fleshy floor of the river, you begin to swim in the shallow water you have. You feel there is a faster current here than there was farther back. You think you see a decline in the river up ahead.
[[Continue swimming.]]
[[Return.|River]]Carefully avoiding touching the bottom of the river, you swim towards the decline in the river. Coming upon it, you realize it's a much steeper decline than you once thought. This realization is of no consequence considering you have already started your expedited descent down a cascade of warm, murky river water.
[[Hold your breath.]]You attempt to hold your breath before gravity takes hold of you. Bracing yourself, you go off the side of the river and prepare to be at the will of the water.
[[Fall.]]At the total mercy of your surroundings, you fall feet first downwards. A cataclysm of sensation washes over you. You feel the stinging cold of the air combat with the oppressive warmth of the river. You feel your stomach turn with the dizzying weightlessness of free fall. Most pressingly, you feel fear for your life.
[[Land.]]Your feet plunge into the depths of the river below you. The strength of the water's surface tension is too much to keep your breath held as you're submerged entirely.
[[Float up to the shore.]]All is dark as you float towards the surface. The warmth is womblike as the undertow carries you to a less turbulent section of water and up onto land. Your body reactively coughs in order to dispel your lungs of water. The water tastes extremely salty in the back of your throat.
[[Recover from your fall.]]You manage to catch your breath. Luckily, you find no long-term injuries as you inspect your body. Wiping your eyes, you glance upward to gather your bearings.
[[Examine surroundings.|Fishing]]You find yourself at the bottom of what seems like some sort of fishing village. There are rows upon rows of shacks stacked above you, all centralized over the end of the river that brought you here. It looks like the water coalesces into a single, small puddle. Looking behind you, you can see water cascading down the cliffside you fell from. It's incredible that you survived such a fall. Aside from that, there appears to be a steep dirt path that leads upwards and through the village.
[[Ascend the dirt path.]]
[[Investigate puddle.]]You continue along the stone path you've chosen. You notice the trickling sound of the river you travel along, and more peculiarly, that there are no other sounds coming from the wilderness. You would figure that you could hear birds tweeting, maybe crickets chirping, but there's nothing. You find that unnerving.
[[Continue more cautiously.]]
[[Return.|River]](if: $shelter is not 1)[Making conscious note of the silence around you, you continue forward. Every footstep sounds like the weight of the world crashing under you. A little too distracted by attempting to soften your footsteps, you nearly let what seems like a small shelter escape from your attention.]\
(if: $shelter is 1)[You find yourself back outside the shelter.]
[[Tip-toe forward.]]
(if: not ($inv contains "\nSeven teeth"))[[Investigate shelter.]]
[[Return.|River]]With the way forward clear, you can now see the remainder of the stone path leading further into the valley. It looks different than how you imagined in the presence of the fog — not dramatically so than the rest of the valley, but perhaps more... desperate.
[[Continue clear-sightedly.]]
[[Return to the river.|River]]Unsure if the silence around you poses a threat or not, you choose to be safe rather than sorry. You creep forward towards the clearing you spotted earlier.
[[Continue along the path.|Continue along the path]]
[[Return.|River]]<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/729951062492053586/738282521858539560/shelter_001.png>
You turn your body to face the shelter. Carved out into the dirt cliffside is a small divot where some fabric is held up with what looks like a wooden stake. You're not sure how far the hole is dug out and, on top of that, not much is discernable about the contents of the shelter from your position, beside some curious black markings on the wooden stake.
(set: $shelter to 1)\
[[Move the fabric aside and enter the shelter.]]
[[Return.|Continue more cautiously.]]You shift the fabric aside to investigate further. The ground inside is insolated with a sheet of leaves which appear to have been impressed, presumably from the weight of someone lounging on top. You see a jar on the far side of the leafy insolation. Turning your attention upward, however, you see that the overhang of the divot is covered in a soot-like powder. You have no interest in interacting with it.
[[Examine jar.]]
[[Exit shelter.|Continue more cautiously.]]Moving closer to the jar, you can see that its also covered in the black powder. Only slightly gripping the lid, you turn the clean side towards you to see that it's slightly foggy on the inside. Shaking the jar lightly, you gather that the jar contains several teeth.
[[Open jar and take teeth.]]
[[Do the normal thing and leave the teeth alone.|Continue more cautiously.]]You use your fingers to grip the edges of the lid and give it a firm twist. The lid comes loose with not so relative ease as something plumes out from inside. You wouldn't call it dust or fog... just something. With a few hollow *tinks*, you tip the jar's contents out into your hand.
(color:green)[+ You gain seven teeth.]
(if: not ($inv contains "\nSeven teeth"))[(set: $inv to $inv + (a: "
Seven teeth"))]\
[[Leave the shelter.|Continue more cautiously.]](if: $dark is not 1) [<img src= https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735627699485278220/736406995174948954/teeth.png>
The teeth you found in the riverside shelter. They are extremely blackened near their roots.]\
(else:) [The teeth you found in the riverside shelter. You could probably discern more about them if it wasn't so dark.]fishing village
lockupYou blindly follow the sound as it becomes more clear to your ears. It's the sound of something... being dragged. Groaning. Whatever it is, you feel uneasy with it within earshot.
[[Push forward.]]
[[Return to the shack.|Trudge forward.]]You again approach a structure of some kind. Getting close enough to see it through the fog, you believe it's some sort of gate. Its structure is rigid, made out of solid metal bars in a thinly spaced vertical fashion. This was designed to keep something either in or out, you suppose. As disappointed as you are that you've hit a dead end, you're relieved that whatever is making the sound does not have immediate access to you, although you can't quite discern if the sound is coming from behind the gate or not.
(set: $gate to 2)\
[[Blindly navigate back to the shack.|Trudge forward.]](if: $gate is not 1)[You are amazed at the wonders of sight. All this seeing makes you feel like you took it for granted all this time. Speaking of seeing, you happen to see what looks like a gate up ahead.]\
(if: $gate is 1)[You are amazed at the wonders of sight. All this seeing makes you feel like you took it for granted all this time. Speaking of seeing, you happen to see what looks like a gate up ahead, likely the same one you examined a short time ago. Something is different about it, though.]
[[Continue to the gate.]]
[[Return to the river.|River]](if: $gate is not 1)[Still coming down from your sight-induced elation, you reach the gate. Its structure is rigid, made out of solid metal bars in a thinly spaced vertical fashion. You're not sure for how long it's been this way, but it looks like something tore it's way through the bars. It had to have had a tremendous amount of strength to do so. You're reluctant to guess whether it was tearing its way out or tearing its way in. Either way, there is only one way forward.]\
(if: $gate is 1)[Still coming down from your sight-induced elation, you reach the gate. This time, however, there seems to be a large hole ripped through the bars. It had to have had a tremendous amount of strength to do so. You're reluctant to guess whether it was tearing its way out or tearing its way in. Either way, there is only one way forward.]
[[Carefully step through the hole in the gate.]]
[[Return to the river.|River]](if: $shelter is not 1)[You place your hands on the bars on either side of you and place one leg on the other side of the gate. Stepping through completely, you notice dark stains on your palms. Brushing your hands together, it doesn't seem like they will come off easily.]\
(if: $shelter is 1)[You place your hands on the bars on either side of you and place one leg on the other side of the gate. Stepping through completely, you notice dark stains on your palms. You recognize them as the same black markings back at the riverside shelter. Brushing your hands together, it doesn't seem like they will come off easily.]
[[Examine surroundings.|Lockup]]
[[Return to the river.|River]]
\(set: $lockup to 1)Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.